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Home remodeling for seniors with disabilities

Home remodeling for seniors with disabilities

They say home is where the heart is, and America’s seniors seem to agree. Aging in place is an increasingly popular retirement option, and many retirees relish staying in the home they love for years to come.

They say home is where the heart is, and America’s seniors seem to agree. Aging in place is an increasingly popular retirement option, and many retirees relish staying in the home they love for years to come. A survey from the AARP found that 77% of older adults want to remain in their homes as they age. However, accessibility issues could make this goal less realistic; in the same survey, 71% of respondents indicated that their home has accessibility problems. For two in five individuals aged 65 and older who have a disability, these problems could make aging in place challenging at best and dangerously unsafe at worst.

Home modifications are an essential part of ensuring that a home remains safe, secure, and comfortable for aging seniors to enjoy throughout their retirement years. Whether you’re considering home modifications for yourself or a loved one, this guide can be a valuable resource. It covers the ins and outs of home modifications for disabled seniors, including where to start, what to prioritize, and what federal resources are available to make the process easier.

Planning Your Remodeling Project: Where to Start

When it comes to home remodeling projects, it’s not always easy to know where to start. This is especially true when planning a remodel for accessibility and safety. Use the steps below to begin planning your home remodeling project.

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